• The mooring of many ships whose anchors and chains sweep the seabed..
• Marine pollution, mainly land-based pollution, such as wastewater treatment plants, which produce turbidity and prevent its transposition, making it difficult to survive the plant..
• Discharge of bilge water (sewage, oils and hydrocarbons) from all types of ships..
• The extraction of sand and dredges in ports, piers and jetties of the coast..
• The presence of invasive species such as Caulerpa taxifolia that are gaining ground for Posidonia..
• Fishing practices that destroy the seabed..
• Increasing water temperature because theclimate change.
All these impacts come together and multiply during the summer season, when tourist demand is higher.

Photography: Manu San Félix

Photography: IMEDEA

Photography: Guillermo Romaní

Photography: Govern de le Illes Balears